Did you know your body actually has a third eye? Yup. The pineal gland, otherwise known as the third eye, is located in the center of the brain. An endocrine gland, the pineal gland plays an enormous role in our circadian rhythm: wake and sleep cycle.
Our two eyes contain special light sensors that tell the pineal gland when to excrete a certain hormone so you can fall asleep peacefully. Melatonin is the hormone excreted by the pineal gland, and receives instruction to do so based on absence of light. The ever-concerning problem, however, is the constant exposure of light - specifically, artifical blue light. The bombardment of blue light from our phones, televisions, tablets, computers, and in-door LEDS surrounding us all interrupt this crucial signaling!
The decline of melatonin and inadequate sleep come at a cost: poor quality of sleep (obviously!), consequential weight gain, lack of energy, brain fog, daily headaches, anxiety, concentration difficulties, and increased susceptibility to illness among others.
So what can we do about it? Obviously, were not going to chuck our electronics, and realistically, we're probably not going to decrease their use either. After all, our phones alone have become our alarms, emails, voicemails, entertainment, e-readers, and for some, our home's video surveillance. Fortunately, we do not have to sacrifice our health or our technology-love-affair in the name of blue-light blocking glasses!
Blue-light blocking glasses, or blue blockers for short, do exactly as their name implies - they block blue light! These glasses are typically amber hued lens, but come in clear as well. Blue light is the frequency of light that suppresses the release of melatonin from the pineal gland so it is crucial to reduce exposure to blue light in the evenings in order to reset one's circadian rhythm. Blue blockers do exactly this!
Tips for maximizing sleep:
Create a night time routine and stick with it!
Wear blue blockers at least one hour before bed
Monitor your coffee and tea consumption - that afternoon cup could very well be impacting your sleep
Relieve some stress through meditation, yoga, journaling, or other activity before sleep Sleep in a dark room - turn off and/or cover up light sources
Aim to be asleep before 11PM